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Cyber Wellness Consulting Services
KII Consulting is proud to offer a wide range of strategic consulting services customized to fit your needs!
What are you doing to protect your two greatest assets; employees and clients?

Employee Benefits
Employees are one of the greatest assets within an organization. The FTC states that being a victim of Identity theft costs on average $4,800 and takes 200 hours for an identity theft victim to re-gain pre-theft status. Being a victim of identity theft affects employees at home and at work. When and employee falls victim to identity theft, they are working with the merchants during business hours to remediate, preventing them from being 100% present and focused on their job during work hours.
Identity Theft Protection as an employee benefit can be offered as a voluntary or employer sponsored program and will help accomplish the following:
- Increase workplace productivity
- Decreases presenteeism
- Provide peace of mind
- Return on Investment
- Decrease costs for both the organization and the employee

Wholesale Programs
ID Protection can be a great way to enhance your existing product and add value to justify a price increase or differentiate your offering. Understanding the right way to leverage ID Protection to meet these goals is critical to your success. KII Consulting has worked with hundreds of different companies, all with varying goals and needs. Each implementation is unique and is leveraging ID Protection to support those goals. Depending on your organization and needs, we will customize the right solution for you.
- Enhance your customer experience and increase wallet share
- Acquire new customers and retain existing customers
- Create the value proposition and go-to-market strategy that will exceed your customer’s expectations